Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000291_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sat Nov 29 14:07:32 1997.msg
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From: Peter Cahill <cahill4@iol.ie>
To: amos-list@access.digex.net, giark@hicksville.dyn.ml.org
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 19:07:21 +0500
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Subject: Re: The Dungen of DooM !
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Somebody by the name of Adam Parrott wrote a letter for some reason possibly 'Re: The Dungen of DooM !' and so heres a reply 8) :
>Just a quick thank-you for those that commented on and filled out the
>Beta-response forms on the first demo on the Dungeon level.
>hehe, a quick fix firstly would be the name. I mistakenly gave it the
>wrong name (the Dungeon should be "of Ultimate Terror", NOT "Dungeon
>of Doom"). The "Doom" is the name of Andy's Tekken level, not mine.
>(Oops!, hehe) That will be fixed in the next update.
Oops 8)
>Secondly, (namely to Pete Cahill), what (the heck) didn't you like
>about the wall textures in my demo (the stone graphics)? The palette
>was the standard default 64 EHB palette, and will not be changed.
>I'll see what I can do for the next demo.
I thaught that the 'yellow' bits on the wall didn't look right
I think you should either reduce the amount of yellow alot or
remove the yellow bits and just have a plane wall (like wolfenstien3D)
>> It ran quite slow. But It was faster than I expected it to be - The
>> only other AMOS written 3D game that I ever played is 'The Hunt Is
>> On' which is much slower. It ran at 10fps without texture mapping
>> and 2 fps with texture mapping the game was at a 'playable' speed
>> when at 10fps while the 1fps was Nearly about the same speed as
>> wolfenstien 3d (on my amiga) which is a small bit to slow.
>Yes, Johnny wrote "The Hunt is On" in AMOS as well, and I based the
>code for the Caster (for the level) on his original raycaster. (This
>is a "Special edition" of the Cafe Engine, my 3D Engine in
>development, just juiced up with some help from his routines for this
>level and the CBATNAM game, hince "Special Edition". Just FYI, my
>official Cafe Engine (at Parrottsoft) will be MUCH bigger in size and
>code, and will contain many more features, and will be homeade,
>fresh from scratch. All development on it has halted and code
>packed away for now until I get this project out of the way).
ah - that explains the mising line of pixels bug !
>First time around I didnt plan for the engine to BE very fast, but it
>DID (just turned out that way!) Cool anyhow, and I'm trying to get it
>going even faster (as fast as I can with the time I have).
It runs fast enough without tmapping but with tmapping on it
isnt fast enough on my 030/50.
>> There is also a bug which is also in 'The Hunt Is On'... (This may
>> be /another/ AMOS bug!) the corners of all the walls were missing
>> one line of pixels !
>Actually, it's not an AMOS bug, just a bug in the Raycaster itself.
>As I said, the code I used was roughly based on Bintz's original
>casting routines (since I didn't have time to finish writing my
>"fresh from scratch" Engine), and it uses SLIGHTLY less-accurate Trig
>(Sine's and Cosines instead of the traditional Tangent tables, which
>the Cafe Engine will use, thus giving better looking walls and more
>accurate angles and casting graphics). There's no way around it
>without re-writing the Raycaster's base code, and we all (should)
>know that I sure dont have time for THAT.
hehe. Will the missing line of pixils bug be fixed ?
>> The demo was good and impressive, the texture mapping looks very
>> good and the option of changing detail,tmapping,etc.. during the
>> game was a good idea
>hehe, "I'm a programmer, that's my job."
I think that the biggest problem at the moment with the 'Dungeon of
Ultimate terror' is the speed, I was very impressed with the rest of it !
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| cahill4@iol.ie | http://www.iol.ie/cahill4/peter/index.html|
| IRCnick PAC | *IAPA* member | Team *AMOS* |